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Viridian Tea Company

Rosin and Bow Tea Blend - regular size

Rosin and Bow Tea Blend - regular size

Regular price $13.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $13.00 USD
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I adore the violin, the viola, and the cello. For years, I wanted to read books that involved violinists and wondered what it would be like to play such an instrument. I became a violin student twice, only to walk away because of my own fears. Recently, I returned to the violin and burned all of my fears away. I am genuinely grateful to Lenore, Diane, and now Nadya! I'm also grateful to my Violin Muse, Frederica!

Rosin and Bow is my tea-stained love letter to those who play the violin/viola/cello, the luthiers, and the people who just love the sound of these instruments being played! This tea blend was made with smoky black tea from the amazing company Asami Tea Shop LLC!

Ingredients - lapsang souchong (smoky black tea), dried orange peel, allspice, cacao nibs, and ginger. The light smoky taste causes the other flavours to flow right behind it and meld into one grand performance. 

Please use one tablespoon per 8 ounces of water and steep for 4-6 minutes.

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